At Orabella Color Studio, Alicia does an incredible job with hair color. Not only this but, sharing her passion for hair color. Not only is she beautiful and vibrant ( just like her hair!) but, she is an expert at what she does. This gal works magic! Find her new studio at 4315 Piedmont Avenue in Oakland.
About Orabella Color Studio
Orabella Color Studio opened the very first of June in a central location in Oakland! Piedmont Avenue is a central strip of restaurants, shops, and other really cool stores side by side. There’s nearly everything to do, with little to no vacant shops or buildings here. Piedmont Avenue is not in the small city in Alameda but in Oakland. This bustling and fun location makes a great place for Orabella Color Studio! With Piedmont’s urban vibe and upscale nightlife, Orabella gives off a similar aura. Clients are constantly raving about the work they get at Orabella studio! It’s clear why. Their work is absolutely beautiful and, with its great location, it’s perfect to make your hair become an art piece then, head out on Piedmont Avenue!
About Alicia Orabella
Alicia has worked for over 2 decades in the bay area in neighborhoods like Montclair, Piedmont Avenue, and Rockridge. Alicia has over twenty-five years of experience! She also constantly continues learning to help her further her passion and better her skills. She’s spent seven years at the Redken 5th Avenue which helped her learn from the top in the industry for hair color. Working with Redken also gave her the opportunity to be published in Rolling Stone! She’s currently a national artist for Keune Haircosmetics. This allows her able to travel all over the United States and teach the art of hair color to other aspiring cosmetologists.