I feel so fortunate. The world is such a beautiful place! Just stop for a moment and see. I get to photograph the most gorgeous people! My mother Susanne Karlak also a wonderful photographer, and a pretty amazing mom, once told me that after becoming a photographer she started to see the world new through the eye of her camera. Noticing the color, the beauty, the fine details of the world around her, etc. Basically what she was saying is that the world is a more beautiful place when you are looking for the beauty in your subject. Paying attention to what is beautiful, rather than not. Wow, do I get it! People are so amazingly beautiful and the world is a brighter place from this perspective!!! Thank you mom for passing along your gift of creativity and seeing beauty everywhere! Thank you world for being so beautiful, and thank you people in this world for continually shining!
With love and gratitude, SHE Photography, a Suzette Hibble Experience, Orinda CA