I feel so incredibly blessed to have discovered and created work that I love so much, every day. The delight of watching women sensuously settle into their own exquisite skin, and shine like they were born to shine is ever-new for me! My greatest ally in this work is that I AM A WOMAN, and I know from inside-out, the intricacies and complexities of the feminine experience.
After I gave birth to my amazing daughter Maya, I dissolved into the miraculous and demanding swirl of new motherhood. Those of you who have been there, know, it takes EVERYTHING! Which is beautiful and perfect. But it is so easy to forget oneself. Maya was the recipient of all my attention, care and love. As a result, “Suzette”, as I knew her went M.I.A. As a woman committed to living a pleasurable, embodied, soulful life, it took effort and intention to stay connected to my own desires and needs, while living in 24/7 service to my tiny, beloved Maya. I know what it was like to forget myself. And to actively work to remember myself, as the beautiful, powerful woman that I am.
Over the years, I have photographed many new mamas, and I see the same thing, again and again. Many of these women, like I did, have abandoned themselves, in service of the precious souls, in tiny bodies, who have entrusted them with their well being on a daily basis. I mean think about it– you spend ALL DAY gazing in awe at the miraculous little bundle that emerged from your very own body (or not)… and how often do YOU look in the mirror… remember to comb your hair, brush your teeth or even eat a nourishing meal?
It breaks my heart in the best way, when these women come to me, whether they know it, or not, to remember and reclaim their own profound radiance and divine beauty. What a gift that I am given: to recognize their essence, and through my recognition, enthusiasm, playful invitation, to guide them home to themselves! At first there is a wash of adorable shyness, as I, behind my magical friend the camera, delight in capturing their coy light, dancing in form. Then, little by little, I marvel as the shyness is melted away by the flame of their unique, passionate essence, who at first flirts in whispers and hints, and over the course of the shoot, comes to purr, roar, giggle, squeal and tease. I am smiling as I write this, because I never tire of witnessing such powerful, healing transformation.
I believe in, and call forth a world where women collectively embody our divine birthright, as The Goddess; as love manifest. A world where women live passionately and powerfully from the inside-out. And, where we each trust in our unique, essential light, music and wholeness, and as a result, relinquish the need to compete with one another, instead, co-creating an indestructible, resplendent weave of wholeness and celebration, in an expression of the love that lives us with every blessed breath!