Have you ever had a bad photo taken? You might feel embarrassed, or even a little self-conscious. What about a photo that you absolutely loved, that made your hair look soft and your eyes and teeth sparkle? There’s no getting around it—photos have the power to change the way we see ourselves. This is especially true when it comes to photography for entrepreneurs.
Self-love can be hard for those of us who aren’t comfortable with our bodies or the way we look. And it’s no surprise why: society tells us that our bodies—and therefore ourselves—are wrong and shouldn’t be displayed.
What is Beautiful?
Today, the media has a monopoly on what images of people are published. Too often, they don’t reflect reality at all. This can lead to insecurity, body dysmorphia, eating disorders, and depression in women across the world.
Thanks to the rise of the internet, we have a way to fight back. Posting photos of yourself can show the world a wider representation of women. We don’t need to be a size 2, under age 30, or have perfect skin to be beautiful.
There is beauty in our differences. A flower looks nothing like a snow-capped mountain, and that doesn’t make the other any less beautiful.
Social Media and Photography for Entrepreneurs
Photos are the driving force of social media. And there’s no getting around it: we live in the age of Instagram. When the Pew Research Center began tracking social media adoption in 2005, just 5% of American adults used at least one of these platforms. By 2011 that share had risen to half of all Americans, and today 72% of the public is on social media.
Social media is rising in popularity because it can meet a number of different needs: to connect with friends, to document our journey, and to reach a larger audience for our businesses.
Photography for Entrepreneurs Gives You Control
Having your photo taken professionally gives you control of your public image. A good photographer will work with you to find which angles you like best, what colors speak to you, and help you decide which photos to post to your social media and your website.
You can take a laughing or playful photo to show others that you’re approachable and friendly, or you can carefully groom yourself for a professional, powerhouse vibe. You can look however you’d like whenever you’d like, wherever you’d like, and you have total control.
Now candid, awkward-angle tagged photos aren’t the only ones people see when they look you up. You can show yourself however you want!
Photography and Self-Confidence
Portraits are about self-image and how we define ourselves. They’re also a way to figure out who we are. The “looking-glass self” is a psychological concept that says that how we see ourselves doesn’t just come from who we really are, but also from how we think others see us. And now that we can share our favorite photos with thousands of people online at any time, we are put in control of how others perceive us. The more pictures you post of yourself promoting a certain identity—adventurous, hardworking, funny, creative, etc.—the more likely it is that others will endorse this identity of you.
Photography for entrepreneurs can change not only your internal image but your external image as well! Confident, bright photos of yourself will give others that image of you as well. (Learn how to look natural in photos here!) In a TODAY/AOL body image survey, 41% of adult women said flattering online photos make them feel more confident
Confidence and bravery take time to develop, but they can empower you and the women around you. Confidence doesn’t mean you’re stuck up. It means you’re happy with who you are, and you aren’t afraid to put yourself out there. You are telling the world that your power isn’t derived from anyone’s opinion but your own: and that is inspiring.
A picture is worth a thousand words, so go ahead and let your photos speak for themselves!